Frit in Windows6

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Hi All,

Why we are all talking about glazing properties, I wanted to see if
anyone had used the new Version of Windows 6 to calculated the glazing
properties of fritted glass. My main question is do we need to get the
manufacture to test the glass with 100% frit on it and then use these
properties for the "glass substrate". And where does the glazing
properties come from for the specular and diffuse optical data.

My first guess was that the glass substrate was the glass layer you were
applying the frit to without any properties changed with the use of frit
and that the optical data came from the manufacturer when the glass was
measured with 100% frit.

The following is the information on modeling frit from the Windows 6

The properties of the fritted glass must be measured in a
spectrophotometer, with 100% frit coverage on a substrate. The substrate
used to measure the frit is specified when defining the fritted glass in
WINDOW in the Shading Layer Library. The percentage of frit coverage is
input, and WINDOW will calculate the optical properties of the frit
percentage specified

Glass Substrate: This pulldown list shows all the records in the Glass
Library. Select the glass layer that was used as the substrate when the
frit was measured. This substrate should not be changed from the
measured substrate - if it is, the calculated results from WINDOW will
not be valid.

Frit Coverage: The percent of the substrate that is covered in the frit.
The original measurement to obtain the optical properties of the frit is
based on 100% frit coverage, and with that information, WINDOW can
recalculate the optical properties of the frit at any frit coverage

Specular Reference to the layer in the Glass Library that represents the
specular measurement of the glass

Diffuse Reference to the layer in the Glass Library that represents the
diffuse measurment of the glass.

Rimes, Christie's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 200