Energy Modeling wish-list

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Hi All,

Sorry for the multiple postings:

On the eQuest list-serve right now we're developing a wish-list of things we
wish the program could do, but doesn't. It occurred to me that we should
start a master list of things that most programs can't do, or don't do well,
and make this info available to people developing modeling programs.

I'll volunteer to keep a list. Please send me:

1. your wishlist: proof-read please! Please fully describe your wishes so
that anyone coming from any simulation program can understand. Please
create three categories of comments:

General: these requrests should be regarding navigation, ease of
use, and general program set-up
Specific: these requests should be regarding program calculation
abilities, libraries, etc.
Functionality: Please describe any attributes of a program you
use now that you find important or extremely useful
Contact: Please let me know if it's ok to put your name and
email address next to your comments. This way if anyone reads your comment
and finds it useful or has more questions, they can contact you!

2. If you are a program developer, please send me your contact info so that
I can send you the master list when I'm finished.

Hopefully if we can get a comprehensive list together, we'll get some much
needed functionality in the new programs coming out.

Feel free to send this on to other simulation list-serves



KarenW's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 200