District Thermal System

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Sim List,
I'm simulating a LEED DES model of a campus central steam plant.
Under the new requirements discussed below specifically addressing 'step
1'. The way that I read the document, step 1 requires that the "upstream
equipment [be] modeled as COST neutral" (Table 1, p.4) while the
baseline DES system is compared with a proposed system "As Designed"
(Table 3, p.6) which suggests that the upstream DES equipment (including
its inefficiencies) shall be modeled in the proposed building for step
If I am reading this correctly, it would be much more difficult
to acquire the required 2 points for certification (14% - NC) than
previously suggested.
Also, the comparison for systems not directly affected by the
DES central plant (chiller in my case) is not necessarily a direct
comparison. My building is ~75,000 SF & 3 floors (fossil fuel /
purchased heat), therefore according to Table G3.1.1A & B my baseline is
system 5 Packaged VAV w/Reheat - cooling type: direct expansion.

Any and all thoughts on this topic are welcome



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Joined: 2011-09-30
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