Hello everyone.
Recently I began learning how to use eQuest for building energy use
simulations. I looked and was not able to find a forum style knowledge base
for the exchange of war stories/questions so I decided to create one
myself. The URL for this website is www.energymodelhelp.com It was not
until after I sent this to a few of my co-workers that I found out about
this email list.
I would like to invite you all to register and become members of the
community. As of now, I realize it is a small community, but I imagine this
was a small email list at one point in time also.
In the future I would like to branch out into other energy modeling software
groups. If you have expertise in other softwares, don't be afraid to ask
for a sub forum for your use.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from all of you at
Adam Torborg