Air Flow Following Occupancy Schedule

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Dear All,

I am modeling a VAV 100% OA lab facility in eQuest and am running into a
problem with my air flow schedule. I would like to have a minimum air flow
requirement with setbacks during unoccupied hours. I have set FLOW/AREA
(and have also tried setting MIN-FLOW/AREA) and have created a Min Flow
Schedule with values of 1.0 during occupied times and .35 during unoccupied
hours. My FLOW/AREA takes affect but for some reason the air flow doesn't
follow my Min Flow Schedule. I have noticed that instead it exactly follows
my occupancy schedule.

Has anyone come across this before? I'm wondering if there is a setting I
am not considering that overrides my flow schedule. Any advice is


Billy Vreeland

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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