We haven't had much success using the Title-24 wizard within eQUEST. We get errors that we can't track that prevent the proposed design from demonstrating compliance. We've gotten simple buildings to work but none of the more complex ones that we usually construct. While we have contacted the eQUEST developers, we have not received any support to aid us in trouble shooting the errors. As a result, we have had to build a second model in EnergyPro so that we could demonstrate compliance.
What has other people's experience been? Have other firms also had problems with the Title-24 wizard? If so, do you use eQUEST in conjunction with EnergyPro? Do you do all the design assistance analysis AND the compliance analysis in EnergyPro? And then for CA projects there may also be a need to do Savings-By-Design calculations? Are people running into the same problem there with eQUEST?
Thanks for any insights you can provide.
Ellen Franconi, Ph.D., LEED AP