VAV with Electric Reheat

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Hi all,

Can anyone give me an advice regarding a problem described below?

I need to model a VAV system with chilled water coil and hot water coil,
and also with Electric Reheating.

As a start, I selected 'VAV with HW Reheat' system.

However, I've realized that the system only generates a reheating coil
without a main hot water coil(heating coil).

So I installed 'heating coil' in the detailed mode, and then, I changed
the zone heat source to be 'electric'.

However when I take a look at the result, there came two problems.

1. Heating was mainly done by reheating coil not by main heating coil.

2. Reheating didn't seem to use electricity.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


Kim, DongEun(DE) 

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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