Baseline Building Envelope and Systems Review

14 questions

  1. Regarding thermal mass, what type of materials are required in the Baseline per APPENDIX G

    Lightweight Materials

    Medium Weight materials

    Heavyweight materials

  2. When selecting u values for opaque doors in the baseline building, what type of doors are specified?

    Swinging doors

    Non-swinging doors

    Whatever types of doors were used in the proposed

  3. While tables 5.5 give choices for multiple types of roofs, walls, and floors, appendix G specifies which type of each should be used in the baseline building. Match the envelope component to that specified in APPENDIX G3.1-5b (under the baseline building).

    Slab-on-grade floors
    Above-grade walls

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  4. Roofs modeled in the baseline building should have a reflectivity of .3

  5. If the proposed building is 50% glass, what would be the baseline percent glass for each of the following walls (values listed are the percent glass of the proposed building). 


    HINT:  The maximum percent glass in the baseline building is 40% glass and the glass must remain in the same proportions (you may need a calculator for this)

    Wall 3 with 60% glass in the proposed building
    Wall 4 with 80% galls in the proposed
    Wall 1 with 50% glass in the proposed
    Wall 2 with 30% glass in the proposed
    Wall 5 with 100% glass in the proposed

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  6. If the proposed building contained daylighting and external/internal shading devices, what would the baseline building contain?

    Both daylighting and shading devices but with 90.1 values

    The exact same daylighting and shading values

    Just daylighting values with parameters defined in std 90.1

    Just shading devices that match the proposed building identically

    No daylighting and No shading devices

  7. Heating coils and cooling coils should be entered in the baseline building as 115% or a 1.15 safety factor, rather than selecting the actual tonnage.

  8. Using the table, select the economizer setpoint for the following scenarios in the baseline building

    G3.1.2.6a from 90.1-7

    System 5, climate zone 2a
    Sytem 7, climate zone 1b
    System 1, climate zone 5b
    System 4, climate zone 5a

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  9. A baseline system has 4000 cfm of ventilation, which of the following spaces most closely meets the rules for spaces requiring demand control ventilation?

    500 sq ft room with 20 people

    10,000 sq ft room with 300 people

    a 400 sq ft room with 20 people

  10. Under what conditions should a user model a 50% efficient total enthalpy wheel required in the baseline building?

    For spaces with greater than 70% outside air

    For systems with design air volumes greater than 5000 cfm

    For systems with either 5000 cfm of design air OR 70% or greater percent outside air

    Systems with over 5000 cfm design airflow AND 70% or greater outside air.

  11. If a room had a cooling setpoint of 75 degrees and the minimum temperature differences were met, match the following parameters to the appropriate temperature:

    Heating supply temperature
    Cooling supply temperature
    Heating setpoint
    Cooling setback temperature

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  12. For baseline systems 1-4, a 2 floor building with 10 thermal blocks would have 10 systems modeled.


    For baseline systems 5-8, a 2 floor building with 10 thermal blocks would have 10 systems modeled in the baseline model.

  14. There are many very specific rules in the baseline building. Match the following components with their corresponding baseline requirement.

    VAV w/ reheat sytems (system 5 and 7)
    Systems with 10,000 cfm or more
    All VAV systems (5-8)

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