Why this warning?

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ZONE EL1 West Perim Zn (G.NNW3)
might have insufficient heating capability.
check that the SYSTEM or ZONE HEATING-CAPACITY plus this
ZONEs BASEBOARD-RATING is adequate to maintain the ZONE
specified DESIGN-HEAT-T for the calculated peak ZONE load
(see LS-A or LS-B for the ZONE peak load.)

which applies the above listed ZONE, has a design heating
coil exit temperature, HEAT-SET-T, (plus any zone reheat)
below it's MAX-SUPPLY-T or the ZONE DESIGN-HEAT-T, which
might account for the insufficient heating capability.

I get this warning on my simulation. I believe I have modeled a VAV system w/RH, with CHW loop (chiller) and HW loop (boiler). Very basic system. It does not appear from my results, the heating plant/fan is activated. I have checked input, results, etc. and can't seem to find where to "turn on" my heating plant and VAV reheat coils, or where the input for temperatures (as noted from above WARNING) can be adjusted. In Wyoming, heating generally drives our loads. . . .

I have attached my files to help. Any and all help will be certainly appreciated for this novice Equest user.


Ginnie Schofield's picture
Joined: 2013-02-14
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