water loop heat pump

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I am working on a project and trying to change the HVAC system in the
parametric run from a packaged unit with DX cooling and furnace heat to
a water loop heat pump system. I inserted the WLHP loop in the detail
edit, but when I ran the simulation the baseline would not run and I got
an error message of "zero design flow". I then changed the loop sizing
method to primary and inserted sizes for the cooling tower and boiler
based on a response I saw in the archive folder. The problem I then had
is that energy use in the summary amount was way too high to make sense.
Does anyone have any suggestion of how to make this work.

Also when I ran the system I got a warning message of "OA-CONTROL has
been reset to FIXED to allow the fan CYCLING option". Does anyone know
why when it changes to the WLHP it decides to change the OA-Control to
FIXED without me changing it in the parametric run.

Shawn R. Burstyn

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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