Water-Cooled Condenser Loop -no attached primary cooling equipment

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I have a building designed in eQUEST 3-64 with a Water-Source HP System, when I run the Compliance Analysis, the system generates a LEEDS-based Bldg but also generates a "CW-LOOP = *UNDEFINED*" error for each of the four systems. After defining the Condenser Water Loop from the library as "DEFAULT_CW" for each system, I get the following error:

Loop: DEFAULT-CW has no attached primary cooling equipment.

I have tried creating a Circulation Loop with a Pump, but I still get the no attached cooling equipment error. What am I doing wrong or How do I attach cooling equipment. I am about to go bald pulling my hair out.

I have attached the *.inp and *.pd2 files:

Any and all advice will be appreciated.


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