Thermal storage modeling issues: high cooling capacity and unmet hours

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Dear eQuest users,

I need help in thermal storage modelling. The issue which I have faced is:

The project have 4 chiller (2200 TR each). To reduce peak load in day time,
I have modeled thermal storage of 8000 TR-h (95 MBTU) with charging and
discharging rate at 11.9 MBTU/h and 12 MBTU/h. To size each chiller
capacity, I modeled chillers as autosize in both case (with and without
thermal storage).

When there is no thermal storage the chiller sizing is 2386 TR each (4
chiller) with zero unmet hours and When I modeled thermal storage and a
chiller dedicated to thermal storage and other three are working as
supporting to thermal storage. The chiller size in this case are 3 chillers
of 3496 TR and one chiller of 1026 TR and 5467 unmet hours.

I am following procedure as mentioned in tutorial (attached). However, I
got unmet hours and higher cooling tonnage than without thermal storage

Please help me to sort out this problem.

Mayank Bhatnagar
Energy Analyst

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