Unwanted Reheat hours in Baseline Model

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Hi all,

I am modeling a building located in the Caribbean that does not have any heat in the design. Per ASHRAE 90.1-2004, even though the building has no heat, I am supposed to model both the Baseline and the Proposed model with electric heat (with all of the same properties between the two models). My Baseline system is a Packaged, Constant Volume, DX system. I find that the Baseline building is using a ton of electric heat for reheat because the system is constant volume and it seems to be overcooling without the reheat. I was able to correct this in my Proposed model by reducing the Minimum Flow Ratio, but since my Baseline building is constant volume I can't reduce the minimum flow ratio to fix the reheat problem.

Does anyone have any suggestions on reducing this reheating? Because the building doesn't even have any heat, I artificially inflated the heat in the Proposed to make the same as the Baseline because I was getting an imaginary benefit otherwise. Thanks for the help.

Kristy M. Walson, PE, LEED AP

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