Hello All,
My simulation won't run because of unusual errors that I've never seen
before, but that I picked up when looking at the details of the QC
Here is a summary of the errors. If anyone has seen this before and may
have ideas about what's causing it, I'd really appreciate the help.
I haven't attached the .pd2 and .inp file due to file size, but I can
forward them to anyone who's interested in taking a peek.
Many thanks,
4) Hours of Operation
Hours of Operation
Fan vs. Occupancy Hours
The average occupancy /
fan operation ratio for the building is -72480000.00 and appears high
(error above 1.75, see PS-E & SS-C reports).
Fan vs. Lighting Operating Hours
The average hours of
light operation / fan operation ratio for the building is 0 and appears
low (error below 0.25, see PS-E & SS-C reports).
Fan vs. Equipment Operating Hours
The average hours of
plug load operation / fan operation ratio for the building is 0 and
appears low (error below 0.25, see PS-E & SS-C reports).
5) HVAC Equipment Descriptions
Air-Side Checks
CFM/ton of cooling
The supply air flow for
system 'E1 Sys1 (PIU) (B)' is 120000.0 cfm/ton and appears high (see
SV-A report).
User Input Equipment Performance Curves
Curve coefficients sum to 1
The sum of the
coefficients for the 'ForCurve w Inlet Vanes FPLR' curve is 0.99 and
does not equal 1 (check Curve Inputs for errors).
6) Zone Control and Equipment Sizing
Primary Equipment Unable to Meet Loads
Chillers on Loop:
'Chilled Water Loop' have a total Capacity to Load Ratio of -1.00 and
may be undersized (Error: Ratio < 0.90)
Total Chiller Capacity on Loop = -2 (Btu/hr)
Peak CHW Loop Load = -1 (Btu/hr)
Chiller: 'Chiller1a (ElCentHerm)' capacity = -1 (Btu/hr)
Chiller: 'Chiller1b
(ElCentHerm)' capacity = -1 (Btu/hr)
Boilers on Loop: 'Hot
Water Loop' have a total Capacity to Load Ratio of -0.00 and may be
undersized (Error: Ratio < 0.90)
Total Boiler Capacity on Loop = -2 (Btu/hr)
Peak HW Loop Load = -1 (Btu/hr)
Boiler: 'Boiler1a (HWNatDrft)' capacity = -1 (Btu/hr)
Boiler: 'Boiler1b
(HWNatDrft)' capacity = -1 (Btu/hr)
Circulation Loop Overload
Circulation Loop Overload
7) HVAC Load & Performance Results
Monthly Pattern of HVAC Loads
Heating Coil Loads
System 'E1 Sys1 (PIU)
(B)' has a high Summer/Winter heating coil load ratio of 1.0 (error over
0.2, see SS-D report).
Primary HVAC Equipment Performance
Average Chiller COP
'Chiller1a (ElCentHerm)'
Average Yearly COP (Total Annual Output/Total Annual Input) = -1.0 and
may be low (Error: Ratio <= 1).
'Chiller1b (ElCentHerm)'
Average Yearly COP (Total Annual Output/Total Annual Input) = -1.0 and
may be low (Error: Ratio <= 1).
Average Cooling Tower COP
'Open Tower' Average
Yearly COP (Total Annual Output/Total Annual Input) = -1.0 may be low
(Error: Ratio <= 1).