Unmet hours BOTH htg & clg

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Hi guys/gals-- it's been a long time since I've posted, mainly because its
been a loooong time since I've been working on energy models.

My skills might be a bit rusty, but you never forget how to 'ride a bike',

I would like some help with trying to figure out why my hours out of
throttling range are coming in like they are-- I've managed to reduce them,
but they are not in compliance for the LEED review yet. And I have
virtually "peeled" back all of my design inputs in the HVAC systems
(specifically for AHU-15) where the problems are occurring.

Can any of you please help me to take a second look at my file and see if
you can find what aspect of the inputs are pushing out my throttling
hours? I appreciate any insight/info/time you can provide, The attached
file is in a cold Michigan climate, it has a college schedule, and basic
loads with LED lighting system, so nothing internal should be pushing the
loads and controls out of throttling range. I'm available to chat about
this if any of you would like too. Ph 308-763-1593.

I've been struggling with getting the hours in range for a few months
now... please help. Thank you!

Pasha Korber-Gonzalez's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 600