Unmet Heating Hours - ES

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I am modeling a two-story elementary school with a VRV / DOAS system in
one area (classrooms, admin.), and a VAV system in another (gym,
cafeteria, food prep.). The unmet heating hours are currently around
750, and I am at my wit's end to reduce them further. I have
incorporated suggestions such as increasing the throttling range
(currently at 6, helped a little bit) and sizing ratio (currently at
1.15, although increasing to 2.00 did not help much). As I have also
tried my best to model the VRV / DOAS system, I'm still not sure if it
is correct... I've just picked up what I could from the users archives.

Does anyone have suggestions for reducing the unmet heating hours that I
may not be aware of? I have attached the .inp file. Can anyone see
glaring mistakes in the model?


Chris Swanson

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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