I circled in red the part load hours for the CHW Loop Pump from a PS-C
report (see attachment) that is from the Equest Help/Tutorials and
Reference/Detailed Simulations Report Summary(pdf) to illustrate my general
question. It appears the CHW loop pump has a variable speed drive since
there are hours shown at three part load RPMs.
1) At the 0-10% part load range, there are 1040 hrs shown for FLOW, but
no hours shown for ELEC. Why is this?
2) At the 50-60% part load range, there are 178 hrs for FLOW, 979 hrs
for RPM, but no hrs shown for ELEC. Why is this?
I would think the hours shown for each part load FLOW would be replicated
for each part load in the ELEC fields. The relationship among the entries
for FLOW, RPM and ELEC doesn't make sense to me.
Thanks for any insight.