Two Questions for the esteemed members of this fine list

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I am working on modeling a small computer room. The computers are the
major load. The space is served by a small water cooled chiller and an
air handler, with economizer. The questions are:

1) Does EnergyPlus lend itself to such models, and are there specific
tools that might be useful? I am interested in accurately modeling the
computer with varying loads over the year, and with the economizer
enabled to show the difference in various supply air temperatures and
cooling tower strategies (multiple versus one cooling tower, variable
versus multiple fans) as well as various economizer strategies (return
air versus supply air control and the resulting chiller loading). I am
also interested in detailed chiller modeling, as the load varies from
full economizer to full chiller and the chiller part-load performance is
a key attribute. The chiller supply temperature will be higher than
typical for chilled water coil cooling, so that must be flexible as well.

2) Is there any specialized modeling tool that anyone knows about
that is especially good for such modeling? I would instinctively say
EQuest is NOT good for that, but I may be mistaken. I could make
EnergyPro work, but I do not believe that the cooling tower / chiller
interface is detailed enough using DOE.2.

Your thoughts are appreciated.


Robert Wichert P.Eng. LEED AP BD&C
+1 916 966 9060
FAX +1 916 966 9068


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Joined: 2011-10-02
Reputation: 201