[TRNSYS-users] Real Power Data - Simulation Results Comparison

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I have 15 minute real data from a PV system . I know the ambient
temperature(F), total radiation (kJ/h-m^2) and power(W) for every 15
I created a model and wanted to compare real power values and simulation
results. When I run the simulation, the results are not close, the
simulation results are so lower than real values.

I did the necessary changes like slope or azimuth according to PV system

I created a input file and the model takes the ambient temperature and
radiation values from it. I chose 0.25 hour as "simulation step" in
Control cards. Also,in the Type 9(Input file) I chose 0.25 hour as "Time
interval of data".

My question is:

The PV type gives power production as kJ/h, so do I need to do any
conversion to compare with 15 minute real data or TRNSYS does that because
I changed the time steps?

PS: I am attaching my tpf file and input file.
Also, when I converting power production from kJ/h to Watt , I also
multiplied 637,because there is 637 panel in the system.

Thank you.

Elvan Deniz's picture
Joined: 2016-04-05
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