[TRNSYS-users] issue with battery( 47a, 47b, 47c)

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Hello TRNSYS user,

Questions regarding 47a and 47b batteries.

1. Fractional_SOF is more than 1 for 47a and 47b which should not be more than 1. (because Fractional state of charge (Q/Qm)( 1 is fully charged).. Any suggestions to fix it?

2. State of charge is too high ( 4* the rated cell capacity) state of charge should not exceed the rated cell capacity. Am I right?

I am referring this discussion http://lists.onebuilding.org/htdig.cgi/trnsys-users-onebuilding.org/2011-February/020992.html

I am doing something similar to Carol, David, a paper link was shared by you in above reference which is not opening now. Can you share that paper link again

Any suggestions from who have had faced this problem before.


Sandeep Chahal

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