Dear all,
I'm experiencing a problem when try to generate the shading/insolation
matrices for the detailed model of /Beam/diffused distribution/ (TRNBUILD).
I have the TRNSYS version 17.02.0004 (in my computer).
The error is the following:
/TRNSHD Message 14 : The internal solar distribution did not sum up
1. Make sure that the zones with detailed beam radiation mode are CONVEX
and CLOSED!!//"/
The file (shd) indicates the surface and thermal zone (external wall -
surface 237 - zone B6_F2_OF) that is failing.
After verifying again the idf file I could not find any error in the
geometrical model (.idf).
I have also the TRNSYS version 17.01.0025 (in the server of the lab) and
when I do the same exercise: importing the same idf to TRNSYS, selecting
detailed radiation model for all the zones and generating
shading/insolation matrices. Everything goes well!
In order to understand better the problem, I modified the .bui model
used in the version 17.02.0004 by setting the standard radiation model
only for problematic zone (B6_F2_OF) and the remaining zones were kept
as detailed. Then I could get the shading/insolation matrices.
Then looking at the matrix files (_vfm) provided by the 2 versions
(below), I realized that version 17.02.0004 doesn't calculate the matrix
for the zone in question (what was supposed to happen) but at the same
time, it means that the version 17.01.0025 does not see any problem
with this zone (B6_F2_OF). /*
Version 17.02.0004*/
/*Version 17.01.0025*/
Since the idf file used is exactly the same in both cases, the problem
must come from the TRNSYS version.
Any of you have experience something similar? Any clue?
I attach the idf file used and the shd file providing the error.
Best Regards,
Roberto Ruiz