[TRNSYS-users] Enquiry about Type536

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Dear all.

I am sorry if this question had been raised before. I recently use to
linear parabolic concentrator (Type536) to model a solar cooling system.
However, I find that if the number in series (Parameter 1) exceeds 10,
the following error occurs.

*** Fatal Error at time : 0.000000
Generated by Unit : 21
Generated by Type : 536
TRNSYS Message 125 : The referenced Unit has a bad parameter
Reported information : Parameter # 1, Reported Problem: The number
of collectors connected in series must be at least 1 and less than the

I cannot find any hint in the manual. As I am using TRNSYS17, I don't
have the source code. Does anyone know what's going wrong? Moreover, I
find that if the total number of solar collectors remain the same, the
connection configuration (combination of Parameters 1 and 2) of the
solar collectors do not seem to have any evident effect on the system
performance. Does anyone encounter this before? Finally, is it common
that tracking be provided when this kind of solar collectors are used in
actual practice, as the model itself does not offer this option? Thank

Best Regards
C. K. Lee
Research Fellow
City University of Hong Kong

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Joined: 2016-04-05
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