Transferring file that has parametric runs to another computer

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All, I would like to transfer a simulation with several parametric runs to
another computer for a presentation. When I try to run the simulation, it
will run all the way to the end, and then say, invalid argument. The
baseline run executes just fine, and the parametric runs show up, but won't
run. I have tried copying all of the files from the project folder from one
folder to the other, and tried copying just the .inps for the 6 parametric
runs plus main .pd2 and .inp files, and neither of these worked. Also, the
error cites a particular line and character in the .prd file (line 4
character 51) as the problem, but the file which works on my desktop has
been copied to the laptop, and it doesn't work. Thanks for any assistance.


Maria T. Ramos, PE, CxA, LEED B+DC

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