TRAINING - Intro DesignBuilder REMINDER - Denver, October 10-11

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Just a reminder that Big Ladder Software is offering an upcoming training
workshops* DesignBuilder* in Denver, CO on October 10-11, 2016. This
workshop is an intense two-day introduction to *DesignBuilder* that is
perfect for new users who want to get started quickly.

Space is limited so register soon...

This workshop is also being conveniently held in advance of the Getting to
Zero National Forum in Denver on October
12-14. If you are planning to attend Getting to Zero, make it a full week
and maximize your visit to Colorado!

*Register Now *

*We have also recently posted new upcoming locations and dates for some of
our other workshops for OpenStudio and EnergyPlus.See all upcoming
workshops for DesignBuilder, EnergyPlus, and OpenStudio

Introduction to DesignBuilder

*October 10-11, 2016*
*Denver, CO at Big Ladder Software*
*Details and registration

*Workshop Description*This two-day workshop is an excellent opportunity for
new users to become familiar with using version 5 of the *DesignBuilder*
software. One of the highlights of version 5 is the new capability of
automatically generating a baseline model for ASHRAE Standard 90.1, which
will be showcased at the end of the workshop. The workshop is structured to
give you plenty of hands-on exercises so you can ?learn by doing?, and no
previous experience with *EnergyPlus* is required.

Visit the Big Ladder website to learn more about our training workshops.

Workshop Instructor: Aaron Boranian, Big Ladder Software

*Day 1 - 3-D Modeller*
1. Introduction to DesignBuilder
2. Geometric operations
3. Roof geometry, outline blocks, etc
4. Import floor plans and zoning
5. Model data, activities, and zone merging
6. Constructions, infiltration model data
7. Openings model data

*Day 2 - Basic Simulation*
1. Component blocks (ground and adiabatic)
2. Templates
3. Timing - compact schedules, profiles, holidays
4. Heating and cooling load calculations
5. Simulation and comparing results
6. Lighting and daylight control
7. Simple HVAC
8. Automatic Generation of ASHRAE 90.1 Baseline Model

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Joined: 2016-04-13
Reputation: 600