Supply fan part-load performance with IES VE

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Dear all,
has anyone ever tried to do a LEED energy modeling using the software
I am modelling the baseline building with it (with the ApacheHVAC
module) and I don't know how to input the part-load performance of the
supply fan for a system 8 (VAV with reheat).
I cannot simply input the coefficients given in table G3.1.3.15 of
ASHRAE 90.1 for part-load ratio and fraction of full-load power as IES
VE requires to define the fan curve with flow, pressure and efficiency
for each point.
I tried with a fixed pressure and applying the relation Power=(Flow x
Pressure)/Efficiency, but this is not correct because the pressure also
varies! So I have 2 unknown quantities and only 1 equation!
How can I work out the pressure and efficiency for each point in the
curve given the flow at each point, the full-load power of the fan and
table G3.1.3.15?
Has anyone ever had this problem before?


Elena Verani's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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