Submit your abstracts for BPACS 2022, hosted by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA

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On behalf of the scientific committee for BPSAC 2022, I want to let you
know that the deadline for paper abstracts has been extended to October 4.
Please see below for further information.

Nathaniel Jones
BPACS 2022 Scientific Committee

*ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA Extend Deadline for 2022 Building Performance
Analysis Conference and SimBuild Call for Abstracts*

The deadline for the call for abstracts for the 2022 Building Performance
Analysis Conference and SimBuild, co-organized by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA, has
been extended. All abstracts are now due by *October 4, 2021*.

The theme of the conference, ?Better Buildings, Less Carbon: Supporting the
Transition to A Clean and Just Climate? focuses on improving the
decision-making process through the application of simulation and modeling
over the entire building life cycle.

The Steering Committee seeks abstracts on topics involving the use of
innovative approaches for integration of modeling tools for better building
design, performance and operation to meet aggressive targets for
compliance, energy reduction, decarbonization and resiliency.

*Suggested paper topics include:*

- Approaches to Modeling Future Weather, Climate and Extreme Events
- CFD Applications for Architectural Decision Making
- Education and Training
- Energy Equality, Access and Justice
- Evolving Performance Indicators
- Innovations in Passive and Hybrid Heating and Cooling
- Intelligent Building Operations - Efficiencies and Load Management
- Intelligent Building Operations - Grid Interactions and Distributed
Energy Resources
- Lighting and Daylighting
- Modeling Advances - Tools and Workflows
- Modeling Existing Buildings
- Modeling for Carbon and Embodied Energy
- Modeling of Adaptation Strategies
- Occupant Health, Wellbeing and Comfort
- Urban and Community Scale Modeling

Paper Abstracts are due October 4, 2021. If accepted, papers will be due
January 10, 2022. To submit abstracts, visit:

The conference will also include informal seminar presentations, the 8th
Annual ASHRAE LowDown Showdown, vendor workshops and invited speakers. For
more information on the 2022 Building Performance Analysis Conference and
SimBuild, visit **


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Joined: 2014-09-18
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