Starting Day Type in eQuest

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Simple question (at least I think so), what day of the week does eQuest assume to start for Jan 1 (or which year)? Does that hold for TMY3 data?



Kevin L. Wyman, P.E.

anjenaire's picture
Joined: 2011-01-25
Reputation: 3

I BELIEVE that eQuest/DOE-2 KNOWS what day of the week is if you choose the correct year. Not sure about leap year.
Easy way to find out. Set up a schedule to shut something off on Saturday and Sunday. Set up a year where you want Jan. 1 to be a Monday (or whatever). Run the program, get an Hourly Report of what parameters you turned of on Saturday and Sunday. Check what dates of the months these thruned off. You can backtrack to see if Jan.1 occured when you thought it was.
Think this will work.
Sound about right, eQuesters?
?John R. Aulbach, PE, CEM

John Aulbach's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 1

In the Project and Site tab, under simulation options you set the run
period as being between two dates. So for example if your start date is
1/1/11 then the first day of the year would be a Saturday

Brendan Hall, M.Sc., LEED AP BD+C

Hall, Brendan's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 1

Thanks. All I have is the output data (8760 load data) so I don?t have the original run. I have gone back to the engineer to request his start date (I was just trying to save time rather wait for his response). I hadn?t notice that eQuest allows you to do that (set the period) but that is a cool feature. Since this is August and the engineer may be on vacation (as I will be next week which is why I am a little impatient) I will just have to wait or start experimenting (obviously he didn?t start with Jan 1 on a Tuesday as my Pivot Table results show. It is only seven different combinations so I should be able to narrow it down fairly quickly).

Thanks again.

anjenaire's picture
Joined: 2011-01-25
Reputation: 3