single zone / multizone

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Good afternoon,

Because I am working in fenestration I hope a mechanical systems expert can help me out. If I have the DD Wizard floor plan as below (core/perimeter default is now 18 zones) - why is the Base Case with Multizone Packaged Units kWh almost 3x the Base Case with Single Zone Packaged Units (both electric reheat)?

What is the reasoning behind the multizone electric being so high? When I dig into the details I see that even with tstats at 60 (and in Hawaii) the multizone has significant space heating whereas the single zone has zero space heating.

At the end of the day, I think A/C savings are overstated because it seems like one version has simultaneous heating/cooling but would like to know the 'why'?

The facts are that it's multizone - so it is what it is ... I just want to learn from this and bring the best solution to my customers.

Thanks and take care


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Mark A. Carlson, CEM | Engineering Manager, Energy Solutions
Direct: 404.580-4639 | Toll Free: 866.925.2083 x 808
Fax: 866.966.4256 | Mark at
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