Schedule, Fan and Mode Problems

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Dear Experts,

I am a new Equest user and trying to model and simulate a 20 floors office building, but now I met some problems, and I beg your help. The questions are as following:

1. If I have edited some settings in Detail Mode and want to go back Wizard Mode, Someone say if I go back to Wizard Mode directly, all the data I set in Detail Mode will missing, does it right? If it is right, how should I do if I want to go from Detail Mode to Wizard Mode?

2. For the schedule profiles, in Wizard Mode, equest allow to set the time ?open at? and ?close at?, but the percentage cannot be edited, how can I edit the percentage?

Additionally, I also find schedules in Detail Mode, and here I can edit the percentage, but how can I know which zones the edited schedules are applied? Where should I check?

One more thing, schedules in Wizard Mode and Detail Mode are different, why? And which schedules will be used in calculation in the software?

3. The most headache thing to me is the Fan energy consumption, in my results, the fan energy consumption is too low, nearly 10 times smaller. I checked all my input data about the fan but cannot find the reasons. Someone can help me?

4. When I finish inputting all the data in Wizard Mode, I can already run the simulation and get results, so what?s the Detailed Mode used for? Which parameters need to be modified in Detail Mode?

Thanks very much


Jenny Lee

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Joined: 2013-07-28
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