RETscreen Solar thermal Heaters Area

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Good morning,

I am currently modeling with RETscreen a solar water heater system for the
domestic hot water of a hotel.

The collectors are evacuated collectors.

In the ?Solar water heater? part of the ?Energy model? of RETscreen
spreadsheet we need to give the gross area and the aperture area but my
solar collector technical sheet (in Spanish) gives me 4 different areas:

- Gross area: 3.74m? (collector length : 3065mm; width : 1220mm).

- Aperture area: 6.2 m?

- ?Channeling? area: 4.88m? (in Spanish : ?captacion area?)

- ?Efficient? Area: 3.66m? (in Spanish : ?efectiva area?

Do you know in such a case which values I should enter in the model?

It seems easy to enter the Gross area (3.74 m?) and the Aperture area (6.2
m?) but it does not seem right that the aperture area is bigger than the
gross area.

What do you think?

What is exactly the aperture area?

Thank you for your Help

Best Regards,

Charline Seytier, LEED AP BD+C

Co-Owner, CEO


155 rue de Belleville

75019 Paris, France

charline.seytier at

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Joined: 2015-03-03
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