Modeling building with fire areas and vertically angled exterior walls

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I'm working on a model for a 4-story multifamily residential building that is split into separate fire areas, and at the corners the walls are "vertically angled"...meaning that the ground floor unit has a smaller footprint than the units above it, they each get a little larger, with the 4th floor having the largest, to created this angled exterior wall effect.


I have 2 questions:

1.  From some previous posts it looks as if the best I can do to model the angled wall deal is to run separate shells for each floor.  Would that mean I'm creating a separate model entirely for each floor?


2.  The building is split into 7 fire areas, we had considered running each fire area as a separate model for city permitting reasons.  When creating the model I realized that we had a problem because the roof pitches get messed up at the fire walls.  Is there any way to fix this...if you follow what I'm saying...


Thank you for the help!



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