eQuest and atriums

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I was hoping for some advice on modeling atriums in eQuest. Up to this
point, I typically modeled an atrium by creating a space for each floor,
and joinning these spaces vertically using an open wall type
construction. But after reviewing some of the results, I'm not sure
this is the best way to do this.

I'm currently modeling a 3-story atrium that has exterior walls as well
as interior walls that transmit light/heat to a 12-story building.

Can I model the atrium as a single sunspace (30 feet in height, defined
at the 1st floor), and use the adjacent spaces in the 12-story building
to define the shared interior walls with windows?

Or do I need to model 3 separate sunspaces for each atrium floor level
and connect them vertically as I've previously done?

My concern is that some of the documentation for sunspaces says that you
should model the interior walls (and windows) in the sunspace in lieu of
the adjacent spaces that touch the sunspace. But if I have a 3-story
tall atrium, I can't create a single 30 foot high wall that is
simultaneously adjacent to 3 stories of the 12-story building. And I
can't create multiple walls at various Z values, can I? Or can I?

Thanks for any assistance! For some reason I still do all of the
programming in notepad instead of using the Wizard....


James Hansen's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 200