HAP Support

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Can anyone here tell me more about HAP support? Specifically, do they offer phone support? Ive done some digging online and Ive only seen email and FAQ's. As far as the email support goes, does anyone have any experience as far as how much time it takes to hear back?

any help or info is much appreciated.

Anonymous's picture

Yes they do offer phone support. It is a subscription based service - I'm not sure what the subscription is, but I think we pay between 3 to 5K per year company wide (we have 20 + mechanical engineers).

Mostly though, they are usually avaliable by email, since they have only a handful of software experts people to answer call. It usually takes me about 1/2 to 1 day to hear back from them, and they usually have a decent answer to your question.

Anonymous's picture

Carrier prefers detailed emails to their support and tries to provide a response within 2 hours (depending on the complexity of the questions)

gpesco's picture
Joined: 2011-06-13
Reputation: 0

email:  Software.Systems@carrier.utc.com

They'll respond fairly quickly, assuming you have an account with them and the payments are up to date.

Tom Morris's picture
Joined: 2013-04-16
Reputation: 1