PREHEAT/HEATING-CAPACITY in SYSTEM is too low to provide the requested supply temperature

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Fellow eQuesters,

I'm having trouble de-bugging unmet heating hours for two systems in the
attached building stemming from the following warning message:

is too low to provide the requested supply temperature for
the calculated mixed air temperature using total ZONE loads
(on LS-A/B) and SYSTEM design parameters, plus outside air
conditions (on LS-C), and specified capacities & air flows.
Requested temperature is 95.00 calculated is 64.00
DESIGN-HEAT-T, and ZONE loads for consistency.

I'm trying to model an air-side system for the below-grade parking
garage of the building that has a gas-fired furnace, no cooling and
provides ventilation (with the ability to provide 100% OA when
appropriate). The system type descriptions in the help file led me to
select a HVSYS (heating and ventilation) system. Each system serves two
zones and I've specified a zone entering max of 95F (MAX-SUPPLY-T) and
set the zone heating design temperature to 64F (DESIGN-HEAT-T). I've
also let eQuest auto-size the furnace capacity using a heat sizing ratio
of 1.2.

I'm getting the above error, but I don't understand what is causing it.
I think it may have something to do with my heating schedules or the
outdoor air flows although I cannot trace the problem.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Luka Matutinovic, B.A.Sc., LEED(r) AP

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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