PhD vacancy - Modeling and simulation of district heating with seasonal storage

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This is to make you aware of this just opened vacancy. The project will focus on energy-efficient and cost-effective utilization of renewable energy as well as industrial waste-heat for district heating through the use of large-scale, seasonal thermal storage solutions. The objective of the PhD project is to use and expand building energy simulation methods and software for robust optimization under uncertainty in view of design and operational support. A-state-of-the-art district heating system fed by industrial waste-heat and solar thermal energy and coupled to a large underground storage, situated in Chifeng city in Inner Mongolia, will be the project pilot demonstration. The project will be carried out in collaboration with Tsinghua University and Dutch and Chinese industry partners.

More information about the vacancy and application process is at

I would appreciate it very much if you could forward this message to potential candidates.

Thanks in advance,

Jan Hensen
prof. dr. ir. Jan L.M. Hensen | Chair of Building Performance | Scientific Director Post-MSc Smart Energy Buildings & Cities | Theme Leader Energy in the Built Environment | Eindhoven University of Technology - Netherlands |

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Joined: 2011-10-02
Reputation: 200