Peak Loads Question and one Random Question

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Hello everyone,

I have a question about some of the outputs from EQUEST that focus on space
and peak loads. First of all, the random question. When I modeled my recent
building, I created my 'spaces' so that each space would be it's own zone.
This made it very simple for creating zone groups (applying templates) in
the DD wizard, but I had a problem in that when I went into the detailed
edit and named the spaces, these changes did not occur to the 'zone' names
in the HVAC tab. Does anyone know a way to change these simultaneously or a
better workflow suggestion (this one my first use of equest for the detailed

Now onto my 2nd question, I'm using Equest to calculate my HVAC loads
(system and space). For 3 of the 5 systems, I used a generic OA/person but
for two systems, I went ahead and put a set OA cfm(for a system) into one
zone and put the other zones at zero. Anyways, here is my question. When
looking at the outputs, I cannot figure why the difference between SV-A
(System Design Parameters) and LS-A (Space Peak Loads Summary DESIGN
DAY).For instance, in the system that I turned the OA air off in most of hte
zones, I'm still getting differences in the results and do not understand
this. Any help in explaining these differences would be greatly appreciated.

Benjamin Jordan's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
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