Now you have an Insect Farm. Time to manage the Bee Hive.

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You know how to control EnergyPlus and Radiance from Grasshopper using the Ladybug+Honeybee plugins. Now its time to learn to manage the bee hive. Introducing the Grasshopper Pro Series. Data management and collaboration on Grasshopper scripts. Developer led. Starting November 3rd. Registration is now open at

Grasshopper Pro Series

Nov 03 Data Management + Best Practices for Collaborative Development

Nov 10 Data Trees Master Class - Advanced Data Management and Manipulation

Dec 01 Smart Interfacing with Rhino - Intro to Human

Dec 08 Intro to Grasshopper Plug-in Development w/ C#

Dec 15 Automated Diagramming - Driving Graphic Production w/ GH

Register at


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Bldg simulation's picture
Joined: 2016-04-13
Reputation: 600