Hello all,
I am interested in modeling the energy savings that occurs when windows are replaced with lower-infiltration alternatives. In the wizard mode, the only place that I see infiltration is under the "Building Envelope Constructions" Screen.
I'm hoping someone can confirm my methodology:
Can I input a weighted average of window and wall air infiltration here? If I'm looking at a building with 20% Window to Wall Ratio, and the windows have 0.1 CFM/ft? while the walls have 0.04 CFM/ft?can I apply an area weighted average into this box? I would take (20%*0.1+80%*0.04) as the fa?ade infiltration value.
That way I could use the same formula to determine the area weighted infiltration of the fa?ade if better windows were installed.
How do other people model this?
Thanks in advance!
Alex Krickx