Modeled Interior Floors as Exterior Roofs

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Hey everyone,

The hospital I am working has different footprints for each level (see snapshot below). While going thru the bldg. envelope in detailed mode, I noticed that the surfaces separating interior floors are modeled as exterior roofs. Now it?s been a while since I?ve modeled using eQUEST but I?m sure these surfaces should be modeled as interior floors.

So a couple questions:

1) What did I miss in the DD Wizard? One shell was made for each elevation, and for the each above grade floor, below is the input entered for the floor info. Is this where I made my mistake? Or do I need to model the shells with and without roofs separately?

2) Is there a fast way to change what?s needed without deleting each ?interior roof? and replacing it with an interior floor or going back into the DD wizard? Pretty sure not but here?s hoping!

Thanks everyone. Hope your mid-week is going well!!

Darryl Kasun

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