Load Distribution for Under FLoor Air

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Dear Fellow eQuest Users:

I am trying to model Under Floor Air and I have a question regarding
modeling the load distribution. Based on the guidelines by Energy
Design Resources (http://www.energydesignresources.com/resource/201/)
it seems as if the lighting, equipment, people and solar loads should be
proportioned between the space and the plenum. I understand that
fraction of light heat can be assigned an input but what is the best way
to split up the equipment, people and solar heat?

For equipment, I was considering the following approach: Multiply the
EPD by 85%, and use that as the EPD for the space. Then multiply EPD by
15% and use that EPD for the plenum. I would have to assign a schedule
to the plenum, but does anyone know if eQuest will still account for the
heat gain in the plenum if it is unconditioned?

For people, I would do the same as above but multiply the Total Heat
Gain (ie 450 Btu/h) by the appropriate %.

For solar..?

I'd appreciate any comments and suggestions- Thanks in advance!

Linda Lam

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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