LEED Version 3 Unmet hours

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I am working on my first EA Prerequisite 2 and EA Credit 1 in Version 3.
When filling in the unmet hours for the proposed (67) and the baseline
(194), Table 1 shows that it is not compliant. I am worried that if I
ignore this, the credit will not be marked as complying with Minimum
Energy Performance requirements at the bottom of the template.

Has anyone ran in to this problem and what did they do? Did LEED
over-rule ASHRAE 90.1 2007 and force the unmet hours to be within 50 of
each other even if the proposed is lower than the baseline?

I am going to reduce the unmet hours in the baseline to within 50 of the
proposed to comply with the template but I believe this is the wrong.

Thanks for your input,


Otto Schwieterman's picture
Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 200