LEED v4 ligthing devices

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Hi all,

Hope you are doing well,

I have two specific questions concerning the interpretation of ASHRAE standard 90.1-2010 for LEED v4, mandatory provisions for lighting and I hope you can help me. (my project is a classic LEED CS office building in the center of Paris)

The first one is concerning space control. The standard states that each manual devices should have the a) requirement (see below). So my doubt is concerning the "manual" word. It seems that it should be a control step with the "manual interrupters" to three levels (on/middle/off) instead of the classic two levels interruptors? (on/off)? Because, specifically in my project we have natural light dimming/occupant sensor and BMS so I didn't see the interest of put three levels interrupters if the light will be graded with natural light after the lighting device turn on. I'm obliged then to put three levels interrupters in all my project even that I have dimming/occupancy sensors and BMS?

[cid:image001.png at 01D05018.421EDB20]

The second question is concerning Parking garage lighting control (point of Ashrae standard 90.1-2010)

[cid:image003.png at 01D05018.FDDD99A0]

In our project we have 1/3 2/3 rule for parking areas. It means that all time at least 1/3 of total luminaires are always ON (the rest are off) unless an occupant is detected within the area, in that case the rest 2/3 of luminaires turns ON. Which is stated in the point b of previous mandatory provisions is that "each" luminaire power should be reduced. Which is impossible with previous system that is very common in France for security reasons. So I need to change my system conception or I can do something? Or I misunderstood the point?

Thanks in advance for all your answers,


[cid:image001.png at 01CD52C2.E1AE1DF0]

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Joined: 2012-11-23
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