LEED v2.2 DOAS Hot Gas Reheat Dehumidification

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I have an old LEED v2.2 project using 90.1-2004. The project has heat pump hot gas reheat dehumidification of a dedicated outside air stream (not dehumidifying the space, just the ventilation air).

I can't find anything in 90.1-G that says how to model dehumidification in the baseline. The baseline units are constant volume DX with natural gas heat. Even though a DOAS is not required, could I show a baseline model DX DOAS unit appropriately configured for Appendix G with natural gas reheat for dehumidification in order to show savings? I'm using Trace and am not sure how to show dehumidification of an air stream but not the entire space, but that is another matter.

Any hints or direction is appreciated.


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