I am trying to model a DOAS that supplies conditioned outside air to
dwelling units. It also has an ERV. I have created a dummy zone with no
loads and made the setpoints for the dummy zones my desired heating and
cooling supply air temperatures (73F for heating and 75F for cooling).
However, the DOAS also has dehumidification in which it will operate in
cooling mode to dehumidify at >60% RH. There is no reheat coil, so when
the system is dehumidifying, the supply air temperature should drop below
the setpoint.
Here is the issue I'm having.... when I look at my hourly reports, I can
see that the air leaving the cooling coil will drop down to about 60F at
times when the system is dehumidifying. However, the dummy space is still
showing a space temperature of ~74F. How is this possible? Does anyone
have any ideas?
Thank you,
Mike C