LEED-CS EAc1 calculator - baseline or proposed?

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Sorry if this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find in the

I think most people know about the LEED-CS EAc1 calculator, where the
energy cost savings is "pro-rated" or "post-processed" to take into
account the fact that the CS Owner/Developer can't control all energy
consuming aspects of the building:


However, when you figure out the "Percent of Energy Cost Influenced or
Directly Controlled by the CS Owner/Developer", are you supposed to use
the baseline model or proposed model sub-meter outputs?

Clearly, since most of the energy efficiency measures done on LEED-CS
projects are owner controlled (HVAC, envelope, etc), if you calculate
the % controlled (based on cost) for the proposed model, it is going to
be less than if you use the baseline model, since most of the tenant
responsibilities don't change between the two models (plug loads,
lighting, etc).

I feel like the baseline model is the right one to calculate how much
the Owner controls, but wanted to see what people thought.

Anyone know for sure?


James Hansen, PE, LEED AP

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Joined: 2011-09-30
Reputation: 200