LBNL releases version 2.0.0 of EnergyPlusToFMU

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An updated version of EnergyPlusToFMU is now available at

EnergyPlusToFMU is a software package written in Python which allows users
to export the building simulation program EnergyPlus version 8.0 or higher
as a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) for co-simulation using the Functional
Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard version 1.0. This FMU can then be imported
into a variety of simulation programs that support the import of the
Functional Mock-up Interface for co-simulation. This capability allows for
instance to model the envelope of a building in EnergyPlus, export the
model as an FMU, import and link the model with an HVAC system model
developed in a system simulation tool such as the Modelica environment

For more information and download, visit

The development site of EnergyplusToFMU was migrated from svn to github

All the best,



Bldg simulation's picture
Joined: 2016-04-13
Reputation: 600