LBNL releases version 1.0.2 of EnergyPlusToFMU

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An updated version of EnergyPlusToFMU is now available at

EnergyPlusToFMU is a software package written in Python which allows users
to export the building simulation program EnergyPlus version 8.0 or higher
as a Functional Mock-up Unit (FMU) for co-simulation using the Functional
Mock-up Interface (FMI) standard version 1.0. This FMU can then be imported
into a variety of simulation programs that support the import of the
Functional Mock-up Interface for co-simulation. This capability allows for
instance to model the envelope of a building in EnergyPlus, export the model
as an FMU, import and link the model with an HVAC system model developed in
a system simulation tool such as the Modelica environment Dymola.

For more information and download, visit


Thierry Nouidui


Thierry Stephane Nouidui, PhD

Simulation Research Group

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

1 Cyclotron Road, MS 90R3147

Berkeley, CA 94720

(510) 495-2337 voice

email: TSNouidui at


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Joined: 2012-02-06
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