Internal mass modeling guidance in E+?

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Dear colleagues,

I'm looking into furniture/internal mass modeling in energy models
particularly within the environment of EnergyPlus but also not limited to

I have two questions I guess:

1, Are there any modeling guide or reference building report that may give
recommendations/instructions on how to represent furniture/internal mass
inside a building if there is no much detailed information? I guess all I'm
asking is are there any published data-set, or default values in terms of
material property and area to represent furniture like what could be easily
found about schedules and occupancy density?

COMNET modeling guide has only one paragraph about it and it mentioned "The
interior thermal mass and modeling assumptions in the baseline building
shall be the same as the proposed design."
Currently what I have is from Building America House Simulation Protocols:
"The internal mass of furniture and contents shall be equal to 8 lb/ft2 of
conditioned floor space. For solar distribution purposes, lightweight
furniture covering 40% of the floor area shall be assumed."

2, DOE reference commercial buildings have internal mass objects in the
idf. file, where does the information come from?

Appreciate your input!


Qinpeng Wang

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