Interior window creation

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I am updating the model I had been working on a while back and I am
running into the same issues previously.

The model is making use of the sun space feature in eQuest to model a
DSF cavity outboard of the exterior offices. The good news is that the
model runs.

The bad news is that there are 0 conductive or solar gains being seen by
the perimeter offices through the interior wall of the DSF. I have
modeled the interior wall as both associated with the sunspace as well
as being associated with the perimeter offices. In both cases 0
conductive and/or solar gains still existing in the winter and summer.

LS-A Report
E6 NNE Perim Spc (G.NNE1) 1. 1. 25.859 MAR 19 4 PM 37.F 36.F 0.000
0.F 0.F
E6 WNW Perim Spc (G.WNW2) 1. 1. 9.946 DEC 17 4 PM 40.F 37.F 0.000
0.F 0.F
E6 SSW Perim Spc (G.SSW3) 1. 1. 7.512 DEC 17 4 PM 40.F 37.F 0.000
0.F 0.F
E6 ESE Perim Spc (G.ESE4) 1. 1. 9.946 OCT 22 4 PM 69.F 56.F 0.000
0.F 0.F

LS=B Report shows 0 Wall conductance & 0 Window Glass Solar

I am attaching my model which has the sunspace implemented on a single
floor plate for testing purposes. If anyone has any experience in
getting the conductive gains calculated it would be greatly appreciated.


Alan Jackson, LEED AP

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Joined: 2011-09-30
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