INP File Syntax Change

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I am currently using MASControl3 and eQuest 3.65 (October 2018 release) and I would like to define my own performance curves for building HVAC systems. I am confused by the changes to the .inp files in the new release. In previous versions of eQuest, I was able to specify Global Parameters and automatically update the HVAC system's performance curve coefficients (see DXAC_INP_Old, attached). Now, however, it seems that performance curves are called from a library within the eQuest data (see DXAC_INP_New, attached). So far, I have been unable to find where that library is.

I would like to locate the library and write a python script to update the performance curve coefficients on multiple model runs. Does anyone know where I might find this data?

Thank you,

Garrett Hedberg | Engineer I | ghedberg at | 714-787-1089 | 4050 West Metropolitan Drive Suite 300 Orange, CA 92868

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